Introduction to Edge Computing
什么是边缘计算 来自OpenStack白皮书的定义:边缘计算是为应用开发者和服务提供商在网络的边缘侧提供云服务和IT环境服务 简单来说就是,在网 »
什么是边缘计算 来自OpenStack白皮书的定义:边缘计算是为应用开发者和服务提供商在网络的边缘侧提供云服务和IT环境服务 简单来说就是,在网 »
Given a language model simply represented by P(Y|X), there’re several methods we can use to generate a sentence. Sampling & Argmax Sampling: generate a random sentence according to the probility distribution Argmax: generate the sentence with the highest probility Greedy Search Greedy Search selects the most likely word at each step in the output sequence, that is, pick the single highest-probility word one by one. $$y_i = argmax P(y_i | X, y_1, y_2, …, y_{i-1})$$ The benefit is its speed, it can generate sentences vary fast, but the drawback is also obvious, it will choose easy and common word first because they’re more frequent. »
Brief Definition Dynamic programming refers to simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems in a recursive manner. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for same inputs, we can optimize it using dynamic programming. The main idea is to store the results of sub-problems to avoid re-computing. How to Solve Decide State A state can be uniquely defined by a set of parameters Define Transition »
Based on Wikipedia, Natural language processing (NLP) is an area of computer science and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. And these days NLP involves information extraction, parsing, machine translation, dialogue systems, question answering system … And this blog intends to be a collection of algorithms for NLP and tries to get a overview of this field. It will be updated often as my learning path continued. »
This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. original paper Motivation Image captioning in previous work usually generate one single high level sentence to describe the whole image, which limits the quality and quantity of the information. As for the dense captioning, it suffers the lacking of coherence. Data Images annotated with paragraph description, 19,551 pairs. Model Region Detector + Region Pooling + Hierarchical Recurrent Network »